New Professional Resources
Welcome! As a newly practicing dental hygienist, ADHA/GDHA aims to provide you with resources to kick start your career. As an ADHA/GDHA member that has graduated within the past two years, you will receive a dedicated monthly newsletter, a monthly webinar series devoted to your professional development, and other resources developed with you in mind.
New Professional Webinar Series
ADHA is happy to provide you with a career-focused webinar series with the needs of new professionals in mind. Below are the descriptions of the sessions we have already held. Log in today to gain access to the recordings!
Each of our webinars is facilitated by Debra Zabloudil, CAE, FACHE, and alternating months are co-facilitation by a member of the New Professional Advisory Group. Debra is President and CEO of the Learning Studio, and she is passionate about learning and education to help with professional development.
Georgia General Supervision Toolkit
The purpose of this toolkit is to aid dental care providers (i.e. dental hygienists, dentists) and interested stakeholders (i.e. administrators, medical providers) in how to utilize dental hygienists working under general supervision.
Dental Hygiene in a Changing World
“Dental Hygiene in a Changing World: Empowering, Supporting, & Developing Your Career” is a seminar recording designed by dental hygienists, for dental hygienists to assist with recognizing the changing professional landscape of dental hygiene, leverage this knowledge to help map out a career path and develop a strategy to maximize career goals. This online CE course costs $99, but members of the ADHA New Professional community, get access for FREE! Log in to ADHA to get the code!
New Employment Reference Guide
As you graduate and start looking at your career options, the challenges associated with finding and starting a job may feel daunting. It doesn’t have to feel that way! Utilize the newly-updated Employment Reference Guide to get answers to all the pressing questions you have about searching, applying, and accepting a job. Members, Log in to ADHA gain access!!
Advice for New Professionals
Recently highlighted in Access magazine, various professionals and ADHA members were asked to provide advice and insight to recent graduates and those new to the dental hygiene field. This series also will focus on education, public health, and corporate professionals. Log in to ADHA today to gain access to direct links to these articles!
Resources for Professional Liability Coverage
Medical Emergencies in Dental Practice